by | Aug 22, 2023

You become invested in the characters of Ellen and Gordon and you want to believe in what’s good, have hope and a justified outcome for them…but, there’s just enough doubt that builds the tense pressure in The Watchful Wife.

A story of immense personal resilience and control as Ellen Wells’ voice and nature is silenced. First by her religiously devout parents and their authoritarian church and then later as circumstances shock her to the core.

Ellen Wells is compliant but inquisitive, genuine and kind – shaped into her parent’s strict religious system. As an only child and limited friendships, Ellen has enormous capacity to rise above the enforced shame system and manipulations – and for that, you just want to love this character! She’s endearing and you want to wish her well.

Ellen forges a career pathway as a teacher and finds a way to shake the binds that threatened to entangle her life choices. She’s rewarded with good in adulthood and love with her fellow teacher Gordon. Even his mother and sister are the kindest soul she needs.

But, with a visit from the police and wild accusations pointed at Gordon, Ellen returns to dark days of silence, being marginalised and a desperate personal need for justice.

Perfect for those that read Fleur Beale and ideal for young adult readers too.

Allen & Unwin Australia