If you haven’t discovered New Zealand author Fiona Sussman, then now is the time! Returning to her crime fiction genre, she delivers a well-crafted, precise and tense novel. From the first page, we are introduced to the characters in a focused way and you engage with them all in different ways. Emotive responses will arise as the Ardino family deal with their mother’s brain tumour and the altered behaviour that comes with it. Woven into this psychological drama, is a mystery and your sympathies will ebb and flow as the murky details unfold as to how and why the doctor’s wife is at the bottom of the cliff! Meet Stan and Carmen Andino along with their teenage sons. Austin Lamb and his wife Tibbie are firm friends with the Andinos and both will face tragic family circumstances. Each chapter deepens the plot and all is not as it seems…Highly recommended and exceptional New Zealand fiction writing.